9 Powerful Picture Books for Vacation Bible School

Inspirational picture books are great for Vacation Bible School. Follow the links to reading/activity guides for several acclaimed titles.

The Beatitudes: From Slavery to Civil Rights. Inspired by Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, this book chronicles how African Americans looked to God at every stage of the freedom struggle.

Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom. This conductor on the Underground Railroad talked to God as friend to friend.

The Faith of Elijah Cummings: The North Star for Equal Justice. The late congressman’s faith in God fueled his activism and his ambition.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Aretha Franklin, The Queen of Soul. Raised in the church, the R&B legend gave concerts to benefit the Civil Rights Movement.

How Sweet the Sound: The Story of Amazing Grace. The rhyming text chronicles the history behind the timeless hymn.

Oprah: The Little Speaker. The media mogul from rural Mississippi got her start speaking in church. Kids can follow in Oprah’s footsteps by memorizing 

Be a King: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Dream and You. A litany for young people on serving others.

By and By: Charles A. Tindley, The Father of Gospel Music. This founding father of gospel music composed 30-plus hymns that are still popular today. Sing a few. gospel_music_lesson-plan
